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Sunday, 6 May 2012

Why life is sometimes, NOT so awesome

Adults have told us time after time, "When you grow older, you'll regret having complained about your years as a student before."

And for a few years, that kept me very much contented with my current lifestyle as a student.

As I've just found out since Form 3, being a student may not be as easy or as relaxing as imagined.

In today's era where Google rules while Apple and Samsung constantly try to rip each other's heads off, being a student isn't just about exams any more. Sometimes, it's about being an employee.

Maybe it's an over-statement on my part. Students are supposed to do their schools proud, to "grab all opportunities" and represent schools in various competitions.

That's okay if you're specialized in one field.

But for some, becoming Superwoman is also on the check-list.

Just one activity, just one, is enough to make you feel like you're a worker doing OT.

I don't mind working OT, if it doesn't affect my other activities or my studies. Problem is, that one activity becomes the centre of your life, the thing by which you need to structure your life upon.

And what's more, we don't get paid for working OT.

I thought getting home at 8.30pm was bad. (I went to school at like 6.45 am)

Apparently, it might get a whole lot worse.

Is this preparation for me to become a worker used to doing overtime work?

I don't know. But I'm sure there could be some workers out there who'd actually pity my plight.


Unknown said...

humans r doofuses, they will only appreciate when they lose it XD

Vivien Tang said...

lose what?

Unknown said...

something they might think it is precious after they lost it, like 亲情