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Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Life Lesson #11: Of Happiness

I always thought that a good day would surely lead to happiness.

A smile from a friend, a teacher giving less homework, remembering to bring every single thing I need to school. These were the things that made me happy.

If a friend was in a bad mood, I would be in a sour mood. If by recess there were more than 2 pieces of homework jotted down in my notebook, I'd be in a foul mood. Forget to bring a book to school? My mood would worsen with every book I forgot to bring.

For years I assumed that everything that happened in my life controlled my moods. In order to be happy I had to wish for all these good things to happen to me.

It was not until today that I realized the futility of it all.

A book written by Andrew Matthews taught me this lesson. Accordingly entitled "Happiness Now", every single illustrated (yay!) chapter in his book is aimed at showing people how happiness is easily achieved.

Happiness is not something that we earn; it is in every single one of us, waiting to be shown through a smile, a simple gesture or an emotion.

I looked back on my life and I've realized that I was truly happy when I chose to be happy, not when all these good things I've just described happened.

When I wanted to feel happy, I lost the usual Monday blues.

I didn't even blast off at a friend who forgot to bring my paper for me. (don't worry - I wasn't mad at you, and I will not be mad at you :)

Instead, when I was happy, I was more productive, I felt better, and I really solved problems instead of worrying incessantly over them.

Sometimes, all it takes is to flex your facial muscles and muster a smile.

It can light up a day, make you happier, and possibly make someone happy as well.

Don't wait for someone or something to make you happy, because they don't have the obligation to do it for you.

Instead, make yourself happy by feeling happy.

It is only then that you truly see the value in life and learn to embrace your problems one step at a time.


Unknown said...


Vivien Tang said...

yeah loh..... We often over-think it