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Hi and welcome! I love to write about basically anything, and so I hope that in the midst of all these words, you can find hope, joy and inspiration!

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Life Lesson #14: I'm at A Thousand Views! Yippee!

I never thought this day would come.

I can be very determined when I want something really badly. But other times, I can be extremely half-hearted.

This isn't my first blog. I used to have another blog, on which I posted a short story. That was my first and last post.

Later on, when I had the intention to continue blogging, I realized I had forgotten the password. *groans*

So I started this blog with a bigger dream. I was going to make sure this was a life-long (okay, maybe teen-long) project.

But then I needed a theme for a blog. If there was no theme, there was no motivation to continue writing. I came up with the idea of "Why Life is Sometimes Awesome" after reading Neil Pasricha's "The Book of Awesome". And yes, the book is as awesome as its title.

Life Lessons came up after being inspired by a spilled bowl of noodles. I think that was really a big turning point for me in my writing journey.

There's still a long way to go, and I'm sure 1000 views is just a stone's throw on the never-ending road of "bloggery".

But for now, 1000 views is really an achievement for me. Anyone for the 2000 mark?

I'll take my blog 1 view at a time; I'll live life 1 day at a time.

Only effort brings achievement. But sometimes, it feels as if it is too hard to push on.

When you come to such a point in life, "giving up" cannot appear in your dictionary.

If it's too hard to live life 1 day at a time, live life ( fill as appropriate ) at a time.

Determine your life rhythm, and you can be the master of your life.

Another piece of good news *drumroll please* I've been featured in the Perspectives Blog for young Malaysians to voice their thoughts! *squeals*


p.s. Forgive the sudden outburst of girliness. I am, ahem, a girl after all :)

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