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Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Life Lesson #19: A Prank

Who knew playing a prank on someone could hit home with their fears and vulnerabilities? Apparently, not me.

Recently, my friend played a prank on me that sent me panicking for all of five minutes, until I was told that it was just a joke.

Anyone who is pranked feels betrayed at first. Then, comes laughter or annoyance. I felt neither. I was relieved. Then, in true teen fashion, I began to think of ways of pulling a prank.

After much thinking (and some sisterly-comments), I realized I was overreacting.

I can't be sure if I'm overreacting for a good reason. But it forced me to face my fears and vulnerabilities.

A few years ago, something happened that gave me a scare about making friends. I immediately became wary of certain types of friends; it wasn't because I couldn't trust them, it was my fear of losing them as friends.

That prank reminded me of this unpleasant experience; I thought my biggest fear was about to happen.

After five years, I've come to realize that biggest fears are scary, but also rarely ever occur.

If I let this hold me back from really knowing and befriending some really good people, that would really be one of the biggest regrets in my life.

I'm not sure how long it will take, but one day, and I hope it's soon, I will be able to fully let my fears go.

So, thank you C, for making me face my biggest fear and "push" me down the road I should've taken years ago. 

2012 is truly a year of recovery and rediscovery for me. 

p.s. I'm still going to get back at you. Just not so soon. And oops, it looks like I've started writing again!

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