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Sunday, 14 July 2013

Life Lesson #28: Living Without Regrets

You don't expect to be greeted by the news of a young celebrity's death on a bright Sunday morning. 

But it happened today. 

" 'Glee' star Cory Monteith found dead in hotel in Canada."

I bet a lot of people were shocked when they heard the news, even if they weren't Gleeks to begin with. I, for one, was shocked silent and had to Google it, trying to convince myself it wasn't real. We were all shocked; Lea Michele must have been devastated. I cannot imagine the ordeal she is going through right now, but I can only pray that she can stay strong, for herself, and for her late boyfriend.

When devastating things happen, it leaves you with a lot of things - sadness, regret, reminiscence. But if there were some way for us to sum it up, it would be the countless "if only"s that face us in the wake of tragedy.

If only I had been honest with myself....

If only I hadn't argued with her....

If only, if only, if only.

And at the end of the day, all we're left with are questions left unanswered, scenarios that will never happen, and a bucket filled with regret.

I don't want to look back on my life and regret the things I did, or never did. Life can't give me a rewind button or a second chance.

We can only fight for our second chances. Only we can fight to change our stories and wipe away the regrets.

Every day is a day worth being thankful for. Above all, every day is a day worth making a change, a small step towards a happier life.

No one wants to live with regrets, but only those who have the courage to face their past, present and future can live without regrets.

And I'm ready to live with that courage.

What about you?

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